Frequently asked questions

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Do you have further questions? Our customer service is happy to help if you need assistance with setting up the new service or have any other issues in mind.

We are available every weekday from 10 AM to 4 PM on 010 633 8200, and by email at

The price of a call to a 010 company number is 8.35 cents/call + 16.69 cents/min (VAT 24%) when calling from domestic landline and mobile phone connections. When calling from abroad, the price is determined according to the price list of the local operator.

You can sign in to OviPro by clicking the upper right (or the hamburger menu in mobile) “Login” button at Sign in with your Alma Business account. If you don’t remember your password click the “Forgot your password?” -link and order a new password. Please contact our customer service if you need any help signing in.

All’s customers can use OviPro Starter free of charge as it is included in the price of -service. You will find all necessary tools for publishing and managing listings, following statistics and purchasing boosted visibility products such as Nousu, Nousu Plus, Startti, Kärki or Spotti.

You can buy boosted visibility products easily with just a couple of clicks via the REALTIES-section listing, an individual realty listing´s front page or the realty-specific statistic -section. Invoicing is as usual in connection with the office’s monthly invoice.

You can also set a specific timing for Nousu visibility product, and buy Nousu for multiple realty-listings at once. A social media ad preview of the boosted visibility products that include ads for social media (Facebook and Instagram) is a handy tool to see the end result while purchasing the product.

OviPro Starter is a free package for customers. It includes the publication of realty listings in, realty management, statistics and the possibility to purchase boosted visibility products for

OviPro Standard offers all the tools needed for the entire real estate sales process. Through Standard, you can also take advantage of all the possibilities of digital real estate sales.

OviPro Premium includes everything from the Standard package plus all the important customer relationship management (CRM) tools. 

You can find more information about OviPro service packages and pricing here >

OviPro will be the first ever platform to give real estate professionals access to all the services they need with a single sign-in, so you won’t need to juggle several systems at the same time. What’s more, OviPro’s workflow will adjust to the choices you make and the platform will remind you about upcoming tasks. Thanks to two-way API integrations, information will travel freely between OviPro, your company’s IT systems, and the official authorities involved in real estate sales.

OviPro Starter is free of charge for all business customers. The price of Standard and Premium service packages varies depending on the content of the package and the number of users in your company. Contact sales, and we will find the most suitable solution for your company together.

You’ll find the latest pricing information for OviPro here >

Don’t worry, we’ll ensure the secure and timely transfer of your information. We’ll make certain that you’ll always have access to the data you need, and that your history data will be stored securely.

We want to make your transition to OviPro as easy as possible. Our customer service is always happy to help if you need assistance in learning to use the service or if you have any questions. Please call or email us so we can solve any problems together.

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